Begin with the Overlapping Strategy Level if your student:

  • Is in at least the third grade

  • Knows letter sounds

  • Has some splinter reading skills

  • Knows some sight words

    • Start with the Overlapping Strategy if your student is in grades 3-12, already knows most letter sounds, and also:

    • Struggles with fluency, spelling, grammar, vocabulary and comprehension.

    • Has some word attack skills but is unable to sound out many words. The student may also lack confidence in reading.

    *Perfect for older learners, this level supports students at a quicker pace which builds confidence along with decoding, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension skills. The overlapping level also supports writing and grammar.

  • -Overlapping Strategy is tailored for older students who may feel discouraged about their reading abilities.

    -It’s fun, relatable, and quickly builds reading skills and confidence.

    -It combines the Beginning Green level with the first part of the Basic Blue level to jumpstart learning!

  • Upon completion of the Overlapping student book your student will:

    -Read and comprehend text at approximately a 2nd-grade level*

    -Develop writing skills, learn new vocabulary, increase comprehension skills

    -Advance to the 10th lesson of the Basic Blue Level

    *Reading level is an estimate that can fluctuate depending on the individual

Sample Overlapping Strategy Lessons

Introduction and More Information on the Overlapping Strategy

-This level combines the Beginning Green and part of the Basic Blue Level. Starting with the Overlapping Strategy can build reading skills quite rapidly!